Sunday, June 10, 2007

sometimes you need a little kick in the tush...

...and sometimes you need a big one.

I woke up today with the grand plan of running the track down the street from Matt's. I was excited to be able to see my actual progress not be on a display on the treadmill. I was also excited to not have to run on the street and deal with cars and people. So, dressed and ready to go, we hop in the car and head to the track...only to find it's locked.

Now, if you know me, you may know that I can get stubborn. Especially in the situation when I have my mind set on what it is I want to do (just ask me about my grocery shopping trip for tempeh). I am so annoyed at this point that I just want to head back and watch TV. If Matt wasn't there that's totally what I would have done.

So we ran, we ran on the street, the same place that I didn't want to run. We ran a mile (and the end of that mile we hit the incline). I couldn't breathe, which isn't a surprise, but I finished the mile. Matt then starts to walk back, not towards the house, but away from it. I am ready to explode as I don't want to run anymore and was proud enough of the fact that I had completed the mile. So there we go again, walking the half mile for me to catch my breathe, just in time to run another half mile back.

So, thanks to Matt for the kick in the butt to get me to run and not just go back to sit and pout and watch reality TV that I don't care about. Which is exactly what I would have done, without a doubt.

I feel like I'm making some progress. I won't like that the fact that we only have four weeks to go does scare me a bit, but I think it's doable. I'll just have a bruised butt from all the kicks I'll need to actually get there.

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